“The man behind the camera is actually my ex-partner - actually ex-husband. We had some really good years here in New York... I’m still very fond to those years.
Before my posting in New York, my first job took me to Russia, based on my degree in Russian Linguistics. I spent six years working in Moscow, working for the Austrian Trade Commission , from 2000-2006. You could move freely. You could speak freely. You could do whatever you can imagine in the Western part of the world.
Since the war started, we are back to Soviet Union style politics... I just recently saw a report where people are starting snitching again on their family, their friends, on their neighbors. So it’s really life - the approach to the current political situation is back to what they had during the worst of the Soviet Union times.
For me it’s tough to see that they’re going to see a solution negotiating. (The war) is either going to be lasting for a very long time (or) until someone runs out of either munitions or intelligence... At the moment I don’t see any decent end to the conflict.”