About corona pay it forward project
Me at Lenox Hospital, Greenwich Village. Shooting-wear: hat, mask, onion goggles, rubber gloves. Respectful of all, safe distancing always practiced.
we’re living in difficult times…
This gift to you is my attempt to change the present narrative of fear and hostility and division to a more positive place. Please Pay it Forward by giving a helping hand to someone in need.
If you would like to have any image from the four portfolios, Corona Fashionistas, 7 PM Thank You, Lenox Hospital, Springtime in New York 2020 or Quiet Streets, click the email link at the bottom of this page. My email will open. Then drop any desired file into the body along with your contact information.
I’ll return your email with a 300dpi jpeg suitable to share on-line and for print to 8 by 10”.
Together we can navigate through today’s toxic environment by helping each other - one act of kindness at a time.
In the words of Leonard Cohen:
… Ring the bells that still can ring
Forget your perfect offering
There is a crack in everything
That's how the light gets in
All photography and video © David Plakke Media NYC 2020.
No images are to be used commercially without written consent of artist.